Join our Student Sponsorship Program today!
The costs associated with nursing education at Faculté des Sciences Infirmières de l'Université Épiscopale d'Haïti (Faculty of Nursing Science of the Episcopal University of Haiti or FSIL) can be a significant burden for many students and their families. Tuition, books, housing, and other essential supplies add up, making it difficult for students to focus solely on their studies. Through the Student Sponsorship Program, we aim to alleviate these financial pressures, allowing students to fully commit to their education and training. Your generous contributions will help cover these expenses, ensuring that deserving students have the opportunity to pursue their dreams of becoming nurses and making a lasting impact on Haiti's healthcare system.
FSIL reported in 2023 that it would provide financial aid to 80 students (53 full and 27 partial scholarships). Due to rising costs and inflation, HNF has committed to sending an additional $26,000 to FSIL compared to last year, ($216,000 total). The funds raised through this program will ensure that aspiring nurses can attend and complete their education, regardless of financial barriers. By supporting this program, you will play a critical role in shaping the future of healthcare in Haiti by empowering the next generation of highly skilled nurses.
Student Sponsorship Program members make an annual contribution of $4,000 or more to the Haiti Nursing Foundation. This amount has been selected because it is roughly equivalent to the total annual cost for one FSIL student’s tuition, room and board, textbooks, uniforms, other learning materials, and travel to clinical sites. 100% of funds raised will be sent to FSIL to be used for basic nursing school operations. This includes assisting particular students who are eligible for financial aid, as well as paying nursing school operating expenses, allowing FSIL to keep educational costs low for all students.
The graduates of FSIL are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address the healthcare challenges facing Haiti today. Your donations will have a ripple effect, improving access to quality care and uplifting the lives of countless individuals through the work of these future healthcare professionals. Together, we can help transform Haiti's healthcare landscape, one nurse at a time.
2nd-year student ambassador: Daphnée Hilaire
4th-year student ambassador:
Mackilio Cincir
3rd-year student ambassador:
Antoine Wicheleine
Please complete the following information to enroll as a Student Sponsor:
To donate by check as a Student Sponsor, please make checks payable to Haiti Nursing Foundation with the words “student sponsorship” in the memo line, and mail to:
Haiti Nursing Foundation
1100 North Main Street, Suite 212
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Donations to Haiti Nursing Foundation for specific purposes will be respected whenever possible. However, if any program or project should no longer have a need, or an avenue for your designated purpose is not available, Haiti Nursing Foundation reserves the right to re-designate such funds to similar programs or where they are needed most.
For more information about Haiti Nursing Foundation's Student Sponsorship Program, please contact the HNF office at (734) 887-6359 or via email at